The Chronic Pain Research Alliance – an initiative of The TMJ Association – was created in 2009 to advance high-caliber research on Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions (COPCs), of which TMD is one. This spring, the CPRA’s director, Christin Veasley, and Scientific...

The Politics of Pain
Christin Veasley, Director of the Chronic Pain Research Alliance, was interviewed by Proto Magazine for the article entitled Politics of Pain which was published, October 2, 2015. The following is an excerpt from this article. To read the full article, click here....
NIH Study Finds More Than 1 in 10 American Adults Experience Chronic Pain
The Washington Post recently published an article discussing the NIH prevalence pain study findings. It states "More than 25 million American adults -- about 11.2 percent -- reported having pain every day for the previous three months. Researchers said the same data...
NIH Holds Meetings on COPCs
With the goal of maximizing the federal research investment in COPCs, the NIH convenes the second federal meeting on COPCs, specifically to develop a NIH Common Data Elements program and federal data-sharing repository. This was called for in FY2015 U.S. Senate report...
The interview conducted by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) with Dr. William Maixner on the publication of results of the OPPERA study was very informative. We thought you would like to read it. In December 2013, the Journal of...
NIH Releases Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions Report
In September 2014, a meeting sponsored by the National Institutes of Health Pain Consortium was held to: Identify resources needed to enhance integration of existing data and optimize collection of data in the future to best advance research on overlapping pain...
Chronic Pain Patients Pinpoint the Need for Improved Methods to Assess Pain
NEW YORK, Nov. 21, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The US Pain Collaborative, comprised of advocacy leaders from across the pain community, today announced the publication of a report, titled "Chronic Pain Assessment: Patient Perspectives." The report, driven by survey data on...
CPRA Releases First CME on Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions
Please circulate this announcement to your professional and/or departmental networks. ---- The Chronic Pain Research Alliance, in partnership with the International Pelvic Pain Society, is pleased to announce the release of our newly developed Continuing Medical...
Report on Pain Management Best Practices: Updates, Gaps, Inconsistencies, and Recommendations
The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 (CARA) required the Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force to develop the Report on Pain Management Best Practices: Updates, Gaps, Inconsistencies, and Recommendations - PDF*, which identified gaps...
New Pain & COPCs Research Funding Opportunities
The NIH Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) have just been released. Webinars to introduce the audience to a selection of these FOAs, all seeking to develop medical devices to treat pain, are scheduled on (all...
Patient-Focused Drug Development on Chronic Pain; Public Meeting; Request for Comments
We encourage patients with chronic pain to submit written comments for FDA's Chronic Pain Patient-Focused Drug Development meeting.
New Research Funding Opportunities – NIH Common Fund’s Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures Program
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is inviting applications for 5 funding opportunities for the NIH Common Fund’s Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures program. The NIH will host a pre-application interactive Q&A webinar for the FOAs on Sept 6, 2018 from 2-4 PM...
Digital Signals in Chronic Pain Study Seeks Participants
The CPRA took notice when Evidation Health announced a new study called the DiSCover Project (Digital Signals in Chronic Pain). We sat down with Evidation’s co-founder and president, Christine Lemke, who has chronic pain herself, to learn about this exciting new...
New Patient Self-help Guidebook
Read our self-help guidebook for patients with Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions.
Cutting Edge Science Meeting to End Opioid Crisis – Understanding the Neurobiological Mechanisms of Pain
Partnering to Improve Chronic Pain Care. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) held three meetings this summer with the goal of developing the first public-private partnership (PPP) to develop safe and effective treatments for chronic pain, as well as new treatments...
New NIH Research Opportunities
Symptom Cluster Characterization in Chronic Conditions (R21) Symptom Cluster Characterization in Chronic Conditions (R01)
CPRA Brochure Now Available
Read our new brochure, Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions. This brochure addresses what are COPCs, how COPCs are diagnosed, the complexity of the chronic pain experience, and how to work with your health care provider to develop a treatment plan.
Maternal Chronic Pain Study
A high proportion of women with children experience chronic pain conditions such as temporomandibular disorders, low back pain, headache, and fibromyalgia. Parenting with chronic pain is a unique challenge that many parents face. Oregon Health & Science University...
Sign and Share the White House Petition – Urging Implementation of National Pain Strategy
The Chronic Pain Research Alliance is a member of the Consumer Pain Advocacy Task Force (CPATF). The CPATF started a White House Petition to urge the implementation and funding of the National Pain Strategy (NPS). The NPS is a federal blueprint for a better future for...
New NIH Funded Studies Focused on Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions
The following two studies have received funding through the National Institutes of Health Program Announcements on Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions. Title: GCAMP6 MICE FOR DETERMINATION OF MECHANISMS OF CHRONIC MUSCLE ACHE, PAIN AND FATIGUE Project Leader: Dr. Alan...