Thank you for visiting the CPRA’s website. We exist to provide a voice for the millions of people suffering with multiple pain conditions, termed Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions (COPCs). These conditions come at a high cost – to the individuals affected by them, their loved ones and to our health care system and society at large. Misdiagnosis is all too common, coordinated medical care is lacking, and safe, effective treatments are sparse.
Why is this? A major reason is that only $2.27 per affected person is invested in researching these conditions by the federal government.
We are working tirelessly to change that!
Learn more about Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions and their profound human and economic impact.
Read about recent findings from research aiming to improve the lives of people with COPCs.
See what CPRA is doing to improve the lives of people with COPCs and how you can join the effort.
About Us
For meaningful change to occur in the lives of those suffering from COPCs, CPRA understands that all invested stakeholders must work together. This includes patients affected by COPCs and their loved ones, clinicians who care for them, scientists researching these conditions, companies working to develop better and more effective treatments, federal and private research agencies who support research studies, advocacy organizations working to improve the lives of people with these conditions and legislators who affect change through public policy…
