Participate in Research
The following studies are currently enrolling people to participate in research. You can also find research studies to participate in at ClinicalTrials.gov.
Healthcare Stress Scale Study
Online Survey Study for People with Chronic Pain
The HSS study is looking for adults who have chronic pain to participate in an online survey aimed at understanding the stress of navigating the healthcare system among individuals with chronic pain. Adults from across the U.S. are invited to participate in this study to help us understand individuals’ challenges in accessing pain care.
What does the study involve?
All aspects of the study can be done remotely, on your phone or computer, and include:
- Completing a 20-30 min survey about the stress you experienced in navigating the healthcare system for your chronic pain.
- You may also choose to re-take a shorter version of the survey 1 week after completing the first one.
- You will receive a $15 Amazon gift-card as compensation for completing the first survey. You will receive an additional $10 if you complete the second, briefer survey.
The study is conducted by researchers at Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA).
For more information: Please contact HSS study coordinator Ashley Herrick ashley.herrick@stanford.edu or (650) 207-3066. Learn more: https://painnews.stanford.edu/news/take-our-healthcare-stress-survey
Temporomandibular Disorders Studies
The Pain Research Lab at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center is currently conducting a study to learn more about social and psychological functioning in young adults (ages 18-30) with fibromyalgia, chronic migraine, or chronic orofacial pain or temporomandibular disorder. The study will be done entirely online and consists of completing online surveys for approximately 1 hour. Participants will be compensated via a gift card for $15 to Target for their participation. If you may be interested, please email: chronicpainstudy@cchmc.org.
Vestibulodynia Pain Study
Recruiting participants in the Vestibulodynia (VBD) UPDATe Study
In order to identify the most effective treatments for women with chronic vaginal pain, researchers at Duke University, The University of California, Los Angeles, and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are performing a randomized placebo-controlled blinded clinical trial. This trial hopes to better understand how women experience vestibulodynia pain in order to determine what treatments work best for different women. English-literate women between the ages of 18-50 years are eligible for immediate enrollment if they have VBD and meet certain study criteria. To learn more about the study, meet our research team, and enroll, please visit our UPDATe Study website.
Chronic Pain & Low Back Pain Studies
Online Study for People with Chronic Pain, Treated with Daily Opioid Medications
The VALUE study is looking for adults who have chronic pain, are taking daily oral prescription opioids or continuous delivery through an opioid patch, and are not currently tapering or reducing their opioid medications. Adults from across the U.S. are invited to participate in this study to help us learn about people’s experiences to help future patients, families, and doctors make medical decisions about the best treatment for their chronic pain.
Participants stay in this online-only study for 1 year and are asked to complete 3 online surveys (Baseline, 6 months, and 12 months). We will ask you questions about your pain, medications, how you are feeling and doing, and how well your medications are working for you. Participants will NOT be required to attend any office visits or make any medication changes. Participants may receive up to $150 for completing 3 surveys and 3 brief phone calls to confirm their medications.
The study is conducted by researchers at Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA).
For more information: Please contact VALUE study coordinator Hannah Cunningham at hcunning@stanford.edu or 1-833-668-0277. Learn more: http://med.stanford.edu/pain/snapl/current-studies/value.html
Chronic Low Back Pain
The Brain Mechanisms of Pain and Health Laboratory at UC San Diego is conducting a National Institutes of Health Clinical trial examining the effects of meditation on chronic low back pain. They are looking for patients between 18-65 years of age that have been suffering from chronic low back pain for at least three months. The study requires seven days of patient involvement with one month to complete the study. Patients will be compensated $400 for completion of the study. For additional information, including a complete description of the study at the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute at UCSD, please feel free to contact us at zeidanlab@ucsd.edu and/or call (858) 246-2028.
UCSD is conducting another NIH clinical trial examining the effects of meditation on chronic low back pain. They are looking for individuals with chronic low back pain who are 18-65 years of age. This study is a 16-part study that may take up to 48 days to complete. Participants will undergo bodily maneuvers, noxious heat, brain imaging, meditation interventions, and cognitive testing. Brain imaging will take place in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner located at the UCSD campus. Participants will be compensated $780 for successfully completing the study. The study is located in the San Diego County region. In order to participate individuals must contact us at zeidanlab@ucsd.edu and/or call (858) 246-2028.